Stokesia ‘Purple Pixie’


This plant is no longer for sale directly from TERRA NOVA® Nurseries. However, it may still be available through one of our Licensees or Retail Sources.


The first dwarf Stoke's Aster! Large violet blue flowers emerge over a plant with a short, compact habit combine to a form that doesn't open up (fall apart) with maturity. Blooms in early July with sporadic rebloom. Also grows great in high heat and humidity!

USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 5-9
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 9″ / 14″ / 11″
Exposure: Full Sun
Bloom Time(s): July, August

SKU: STOPURPIX Categories: ,
Common Name Stokes' aster
Family Asteraceae
Genus Stokesia
species laevis
Plant Type Perennial
US Patent # PP19833
EU Grant # --
Bloom Time July, August
Flower Color Blue, Purple
Foliage Color Green
Dormancy Winter
Exposure Full Sun
Growth Habit Mounding
Growth Rate Fast
Hardiness Zone 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
How Different? It looks like a dwarf 'Purple Parasol'. It doesn't flop open.
Landscape Value Use in borders and mixed beds. An American native.
Most Active Growing Season Spring
Persistence Deciduous
Size (HT/W/FL HT) 9" / 14" / 11"
Soil (Garden) Average, well drained. Prefers a light, fertile, moist, and acidic soil.
Water (Garden) Moderate needs in the garden.
Special Uses Deep South, Hummingbird Attractor, Pollinator Attractor
Comments It does not thrive in soils with a high lime content.