Sales Team

Larry Finley

Larry Finley
Sales Manager

Larry is our Sales Manager, with 20+ years here at TERRA NOVA®. He has experience as a grower and his friendly smile can be experienced here and at our national trade shows.

Libby Smith

Libby Smith
Sales Office Manager

Libby, Sales Office Manager, joined TERRA NOVA® in the spring of 2016. She brings 23+ years of customer service experience to our team, and helps Larry manage the Sales Office both while he is here and on the road at trade shows.

Courtney Thompson

Courtney Thompson
Sales Specialist, Customer Service

Courtney joined the sales team in 2021. She brings 17+ years of experience to
TERRA NOVA®, having previously worked in the transportation industry with a specialty in shipping nursery stock. She has a friendly voice, calm demeanor and a love of customer service to bring to the team and help assist customers.

Josh Blair

Josh Blair
Webmaster, Marketing, Graphic Design, Social Media Manager

Josh joined the sales team in 2004 after graduating from the University of Oregon with a degree in Journalism. He is responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining our website, catalog, along with implementing TERRA NOVA®’s various marketing strategies.

Kevin Chen

Cheng Chen (Kevin)
Asia Representative

Kevin is our representative in Asia, currently based in Beijing, China. He is responsible for all aspects of affairs relating to TERRA NOVA® in the Chinese market including licensees, customers coordination, marketing, production tech support, PBR and exhibitions. Kevin has experience in both the nursery industry and in the department of agriculture.