Common Name | Begonia |
Family | Begoniaceae |
Genus | Begonia |
species | -- |
Plant Series | Begonia COOL BREEZE™ Series |
Plant Type | Annual |
US Patent # | PP25080 |
EU Grant # | -- |
Bloom Time | June, July, August |
Flower Color | Pink |
Foliage Color | Green, Pink, Purple, White |
Dormancy | -- |
Exposure | Full Shade |
Growth Habit | Mounding |
Growth Rate | Fast |
Hardiness Zone | 8, 9, 10, 11 |
How Different? | It is unique in its coloration. As the temperatures increase it gets a red flush to the foliage. |
Landscape Value | Background, container, houseplant. Good landscape plant for summer filler. |
Most Active Growing Season | Summer |
Persistence | Evergreen |
Size (HT/W/FL HT) | 16" / 16" / 16" |
Soil (Garden) | Fertile, rich, moist soil with good porosity. |
Water (Garden) | Keep evenly moist. |
Special Uses | Award Winners, Deep South |
Comments | Tied for Best Begonia in 2012 Ohio State University trials. More cold tolerant than most. |
Begonia ‘Cool Breeze Rouge’
This plant is no longer for sale directly from TERRA NOVA® Nurseries. However, it may still be available through one of our Licensees or Retail Sources. |
'Cool Breeze Rouge' is a sister to 'Cool Breeze Pewter' and is more of a show-off. They are similar in youth, but 'Rouge' soon goes her own way by taking on a beautiful port wine glaze over her leaves as the heat climbs. The leaves of 'Rouge' are slightly more rounded than those of 'Pewter', but they are an even match in culture and care. Both are easy, will take heat and humidity, but are quite tolerant of cool weather too.
USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 8-11
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 16″ / 16″ / 16″
Exposure: Full Shade
Bloom Time(s): June, July, August