Begonia T REX® ‘First Blush’


This plant should be pre-booked by July 1 for spring shipping weeks 1-14 and January 1 for holiday shipping weeks 30-36.


Silvery lavender leaves are lightly kissed with raspberry, which gets more pronounced as the season passes. The entire T REX® Series is marvelous for the garden or house, and are very cold tolerant (not freezing!). Great mounding habit and very vigorous.

USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 9-11
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 16″ / 16″ / 12″
Exposure: Full Shade
Bloom Time(s): June, July, August, September, October

Common Name Rex Hybrid Begonia
Family Begoniaceae
species --
Plant Series
Plant Type
US Patent # PP25974
EU Grant # EU43390 ('TNFB1')
Bloom Time , , ,
Flower Color
Foliage Color , , ,
Dormancy --
Growth Habit
Growth Rate
Hardiness Zone , ,
How Different? Rex leaf color characteristics that are retained even during cool temperatures!
Landscape Value It is a wonderful addition to the shade border in the warm season or to a mixed container.
Most Active Growing Season
Persistence Evergreen
Size (HT/W/FL HT) 16" / 16" / 12"
Soil (Garden) Fertile, rich, moist soil with good porosity.
Water (Garden) Keep evenly moist.
Special Uses ,
Comments This series won Retailers' Choice Award at the Farwest Trade Show in Portland, Oregon in 2014. Has survived here in Canby, Oregon for 5 years in the ground, mulched.