Corydalis 'Blackberry Wine'Corydalis 'Blackberry Wine'

Corydalis ‘Blackberry Wine’

This early-emerging beauty has blue-green, ferny leaves which provide a backdrop for hundreds of fragrant flowers the color of blackberry wine. It holds its slightly silvered foliage all spring, summer, and fall with a cascading habit, excellent in baskets or over walls. Takes heat and humidity! Cut back after bloom to freshen foliage.

USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 5-9
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 10″ / 26″ / 13″
Exposure: Part Shade, Full Shade
Bloom Time(s): June, July, August, September

SKU: COYBLAWIN Categories: ,
Common Name Corydalis
Family Papaveraceae
Genus Corydalis
species anthriscifolia
Plant Type Perennial
US Patent # --
EU Grant # --
Bloom Time June, July, August, September
Flower Color Purple
Foliage Color Green
Dormancy Winter
Exposure Part Shade, Full Shade
Growth Habit Mounding, Spreading / Trailing
Growth Rate Fast
Hardiness Zone 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
How Different? It is a wide spreading plant with purple flowers. It takes more sunlight than the C. flexuosa types and has only a short downtime in late summer before blooming again in the fall.
Landscape Value It is great in a hanging basket and as ground cover under shrubs. Prefers moist banks.
Most Active Growing Season Spring
Persistence Deciduous
Size (HT/W/FL HT) 10" / 26" / 13"
Soil (Garden) Average, well-drained.
Water (Garden) Keep evenly moist, not wet.
Special Uses Deep South, Fragrant
Comments Plants go summer dormant when it gets hot and dry and return to bloom again in the fall.
Water (Greenhouse) Dry moderately between waterings.
EC 0.5 – 0.7
pH 5.4 – 6.6
Fertility Needs 50 – 75 ppm
Notes USE NO CHEMICALS ON CORYDALIS without prior experience. We recommend transplanting to a 4″ pot from a plug, not a larger size container.
Finish Time to 4″ 6 – 8 weeks
Finish Time to Gallon
Day Length for Flowering Long Day
Corydalis 'Blackberry Wine' - Product Profile
Corydalis 'Blackberry Wine' - Growing Recipe

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Photo(s) courtesy of TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, Inc.

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