Heuchera ‘Cafe Ole’


This plant is no longer for sale directly from TERRA NOVA® Nurseries. However, it may still be available through one of our Licensees or Retail Sources.


Frilly, ruffled leaves in milk chocolate form a tight mound on this unusual hybrid. Numerous branched spikes hold hundreds of white flowers kissed with purple. Create a cute border display with our best multi-crowned compact Heuchera! Great for edging a pathway or en masse.

USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 4-9
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 12″ / 16″ / 21″
Exposure: Full Sun
Bloom Time(s): May, June

SKU: HEUCAFOLE Categories: ,
Common Name Alum Root
Family Saxifragaceae
Genus Heuchera
species --
Plant Type Perennial
US Patent # PP18922
EU Grant # --
Bloom Time May, June
Flower Color White
Foliage Color Brown, Green
Dormancy Winter
Exposure Full Sun
Growth Habit Mounding
Growth Rate Moderate
Hardiness Zone 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
How Different? It has small, very wavy leaves on a dark leaf plant.
Landscape Value Edging, mass.
Most Active Growing Season Spring
Persistence Evergreen
Size (HT/W/FL HT) 12" / 16" / 21"
Soil (Garden) Moderately well drained, organic soil types are best.
Water (Garden) Average, better too dry than too wet when established.
Special Uses Hummingbird Attractor, Low Water Usage, Pollinator Attractor, Winter Color
Comments It's ruffled form is really outstanding.