Common Name | Golden elephant ear |
Family | Araceae |
Genus | Xanthosoma |
species | mafaffa |
Plant Type | Annual |
US Patent # | -- |
EU Grant # | -- |
Bloom Time | -- |
Flower Color | -- |
Foliage Color | Green, Lime |
Dormancy | -- |
Exposure | Part Shade |
Growth Habit | Upright, Clumping |
Growth Rate | Fast |
Hardiness Zone | 10, 11, 12, 13 |
How Different? | Lime green foliage color. |
Landscape Value | Tropical look, containers. |
Most Active Growing Season | Summer |
Persistence | Evergreen |
Size (HT/W/FL HT) | 48" / 36" / 12" |
Soil (Garden) | Well drained, consistently moist soil. |
Water (Garden) | Needs high humidity and constantly moist soil. |
Special Uses | Deep South |
Comments | Use as a backdrop for other plants, or anywhere you want an unusual tropical look. Specimen plants, containers, pond sides. |
Xanthosoma ‘Lime Zinger’
This plant is no longer for sale directly from TERRA NOVA® Nurseries. However, it may still be available through one of our Licensees or Retail Sources. |
Wow! These leaves are stunning! Imagine huge lime green-colored elephant ears held upright. Use in containers as an accent. Grows to 4 feet or more.
USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 10-13
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 48″ / 36″ / 12″
Exposure: Part Shade
Bloom Time(s): —
Water (Greenhouse) | Needs high humidity and constantly moist soil. |
EC | — |
pH | 6.0 – 7.0 |
Fertility Needs | 150 – 200 ppm |
Notes | — |
Finish Time to 4″ | 4 – 6 weeks |
Finish Time to Gallon | — |
Day Length for Flowering | Long Day |
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Photo(s) courtesy of TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, Inc.
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